
Check out examples of how WCD (Wichita, Caddo, Delaware Tribes)
and Osage Nation WIC Programs in Oklahoma customized their
ONE platform for their clinics and participants!
Added their agency logo to their clinic and participant view.
Staff and participants quickly recognize their agency WIC logo on the top left corner of their ONE screen, while being visible at all times while using the website.
Added quick links to My WIC App, and WCD WIC website.
Families also benefit from the convenience of easy access to their
My WIC App and WCD WIC website available at the top of their feed on ONE at all times.

Added a custom
WIC Resources category.
Agency-specific education and resources is available for WIC families and staff, including state-specific WIC Foods List and Exit Counseling information..
To learn more about customizing
ONE for your WIC agency, contact our sales team
or email us at info@nutrition-one.com.