With ONE, you can share nutrition education
with participants quickly and easily!
Reach participants where they are, and support a hybrid approach to
appointments with ONE. With ONE, you can share nutrition and
breastfeeding education directly with participants in many different ways!
Share articles to a participant's ONE account; text a link to a PDF; email a PDF or print education.
Found in ONE’s extensive library of interactive nutrition education tools, the Share Button gives the nutrition educator the ability to easily share appropriate nutrition and related health information to families during in person or remote contacts.
ONE users LOVE the Share Button especially when they are conducting a counseling session over the phone! They can instantly share nutrition education with the participant that they can view immediately on their phone during their session, instead of waiting for paper education in the mail.
New in 2024 - text educational PDF's to families, or print a PDF for them! Watch the video below to see how.
See sharing in action!
Show ONE during video appointments
Make your video appointments more engaging with ONE! ONE’s nutrition tools are colorful visuals that support and enhance the nutrition or breastfeeding educator’s expertise and rapport with clients. A maximized view feature and intentional interactions help a client focus on one concept at a time during video-based appointments. ONE’s design is supported by visual learning theories.
See a video appointment using ONE!
Reference ONE during phone appointments
Phone appointments can be challenging, especially when the nutrition or breastfeeding educator and client are talking about topics that would traditionally use visuals to support learning and engagement. ONE has a solution!
Simply have the participant log into their ONE account during the phone appointment. The nutrition or breastfeeding educator can connect to the family’s ONE account and use the Share button to send nutrition tool topics instantly to the client’s ONE account. Within a few seconds, the client will see a corresponding article that has the same visuals, but in a format that is easy to see and read on a mobile device.
Hear how a phone appointment can include ONE!

Text a link to articles, recipes and lessons!
ONE’s flexible design allows the nutrition or breastfeeding educator to text participants a link to articles, recipes and/or lessons. Simply copy and paste a link into your favorite texting platform, hit send, and the link appears for the participant to access in their ONE feed.
Here’s a visual of how texting works!
To learn more about sharing education with families,